Curriculum overview
of 2 week in person intensive
week 1
​Week 1 is all about creating a solid foundation for trauma informed therapeutic work. Trainees learn how to conduct a session, how to relate professionally with a client in a therapeutic setting and how to safely navigate any concerns and emergency measures. The Map is taught, which is how to professionally and confidentially get enough information both verbally from the client via intake form and also while working on the body, listening and paying attention to specific queues that are also taught. During week 1, participants also undergo their own processes of gaining enough knowledge to understanding where their own nervous system is at and what their personal Maps may look like. Week 1 is designed to enable individuals to be able to start conducting trauma transformation somatic body work sessions safely, confidently and effectively.
The Foundations of Trauma Informed Therapy
Understanding Attachment Styles & Trauma
Bottom Up vs Top Down Therapy Approaches
The Polyvagal Theory Framework
The Triple Vagal Method Application of Polyvagal Theory in Bodywork
The central nervous system stress & trauma respons​e
​Understanding the Vagus Nerve, Fascia and Oxytocin
Oxytocin as an Antidote to Trauma
Emergency Measures in Trauma Therapy​
Week 1 TVM Bodywork
Creating a Map for Clients and a Treatment Plan
Ethics in Therapeutic Relationships
Energy Hygiene & Practitioner Self Care
week 2
Week 2 dives deeper into the somatic body & body work, we learn how to release the extensive entirety of the body and what types of traumas traditionally get stuck where. We also learn basics to Gestalt therapy, Family Constellations, working with childhood trauma and addictions. It is a longer trainings to go deeper with methods to apply TVM in different situations; that serve the clients healing better. Practitioners also walk away with an in-depth capacity to provide TVM as an online therapy to clients all around the world and for those who either can’t obtain a license to touch, or to work with clients that do not wish a hands on touch to therapy.
Psychology Of The Body
Somatic Bottom Up Approach to Trauma Healing
Anatomy Work By Ida Rolf & Thomas Myers
Bodywork Principles
Week 2 TVM Identifying Traumas in The Body
Hands off Triple Vagal Method Application: Licensed Psychotherapist & Telemed Sessions
Addictions & Trauma Healing, Resetting Dopamine Receptors
Week 2 TVM Bodywork Practice
Inner Child & Working With Childhood Trauma & Regulation
Family Constellations